A chrome extension that allows users to view their “Profit and Loss” of crypto swaps and track wallet gains.

I developed the full frontend, storage solutions, and integrating custom API wrappers.

This extension was created by Marc Vaz, Ahmed Abidallah, Chelsea Pan, and Rayyan Shaik.

Github Repository

The Github repository can be found here

Project Demo Gif



Read more about the features of this product at our landing page

Trade Analytics

Users input their wallet address and link it with the Etherscan API, allowing access to a comprehensive record of past transactions associated with the provided wallet address.

Token Price History

Utilizing localStorage capabilities, the extension records and maintains a comprehensive repository of historical token prices to ensure users have access to accurate pricing data.

Graphical Data

Visually represents trade performance through dynamic and interactive graphs, providing a clear and intuitive visualization of profit and loss (PnL) trends.

This was group effort created as a capstone project for CIS 3500 - Software Design, Software Engineering at UPenn