
This project is a simple racing game that implements a neural network to have agents automatically race around the track. This project itself is split up into 3 parts: the map builder, gui/game, and deep neural network.

Github Repository

The Github repository can be found here

What were my goals with this project?

  • Implementation and design of neural networks
  • Imeplementation and design of a genetic algorithm
  • Object oriented design
  • Track builder script (to create custom-tailored tracks for the car agents)

Project Images

Training process


Track Builder



  • Pygame
  • Numpy
  • Shapely


Game Content

  • This project is a simple racing game that implements a neural network to have agents automatically race around the track. This project itself is split up into 3 parts: the map builder, gui/game, and deep neural network.
  • Key Design Features

    • Object Orient Programming (OOP) for all abstractable features. The Deep Neural Network, Gui and Game are all built as classes for abstraction and ease of implementation.
      • Deep Neural Network Classes: Genetic, Population
      • Game & Gui: Gui, Game, Car
    • Car Mechanics: The car objects each have their own physics mechanics that allow the “front wheels” to rotate and move similar to a real car. The cars also each have “vision lines” that protrude from its center. These “vision lines” interact with the edges of the track and allow the car to know how close it is from the edge of the track.
    • Map Builder: The map builder was tricky to design at first. It allows you to place down points to form 2 separate polygons - one inside of the other. Eventually, the area in between both polygons is used as the track. The map builder also allows the user to place down checkpoints - these are extremely important for the cars’ fitness functions. The checkpoints are created by placing a point where the user clicks, and then uses simple form of 2d ray tracing (similar to a car’s vision) to determine a line between both polygons.
    • File Reading/Writer: In order to save data, such as created maps and high-scoring neural networks, I used the libraries pickle and json. The pickle library is used to save objects; in this project I used this to save the numpy objects of the neural networks. The json libray is used to save dictionaries; in this project I used this to save map (track) states.
    • The game itself is not designed to run with a GUI active 100% of the time. I created the game so that it could run independently as its own environment and updates as called. However, by design, it is also easy to implement a GUI with the Game class (as implemented in the Gui class).

Neural Network

  • In order to create a playable agent for this game, I decided to develop a neural network. This neural network contains perceptrons, layers, and forwards propagation.
  • Network Structure

    • 7 (+ 1 bias) input values
    • 2 Hidden layers, each with (default) 4 perceptrons
    • 1 output layer with 4 values (each representing an action)
  • Forward Propagation

    • Used to make the prediction for the next action
    • tanh() used as the activation function

Deep Genetic Algorithm

  • The Genetic Algorithm is implemented in the Population class which keeps track of networks (through Genetic objects) and their respective car objects. The Population class is responsible for training the neural networks via gentic algorithm - utilizing evaluation, mutation, and crossover.
  • Training Process

    • Evaluation: The score of each individual neural network and car pair, is calculated in the Population.evaluate() method. This is the sum of a weighted value for the car’s time alive and weighted values for how many checkpoinst the car reached.
    • Mutation: Makes random changes to a list of neural networks through the Population.mutate(pool) method. The method goes through each weight value in a neural network’s layer and according to a mutation rate and mutation chance value, the weight value is adjusted.
    • Crossover: Takes a list of networks and randomly combine two networks together n times through the Population.crossover(pool, total_children).

Learning Resources