I am Rayyan Shaik, a rising junior studing Computer Science at the University of Pennsylvania. Programming is something that I’m very passionate about, and a skill that I had began learning since middle school.

During my time at UPenn I’ve completed a variety of foundational computer science courses including Data Structures & Algorithms, Computer Systems, and Software Design.

Additionally, I’ve begun to branch out into specialized topics from Applied Machine Learning to Cloud Computing & Scalability. Over the next two years at Penn, I hope to further specialize in AI with an emphasis on reinforcement and deep learning.

I know have worked with a variety of languages, frameworks and ecosystems - that is to say I’m always ready to learn the best tool for a job.

On this website portfolio, you can find “posts” regarding my complete programming projects.

This hyper-link can be used to view my Github Repositories

Here is a short list detailing my computer science experience:

  • Languages: Python3, Java, Javascript
  • Object Oriented Programming & Polymorphism
  • Basic machine learning structures
  • TCP sockets and server-client applications
  • GUI and graphics based applications
  • Web-scraping scripts
  • Threading and multitasking
  • Python3 libaries (numpy, beautiful soup, etc)
  • Robotics control systems (WPILib, CTRE Phoenix)
  • Git, Github

What I want to learn in the future:

  • Programming for Computer Graphics
  • Deep genetic algorithms
  • Reinforcement Learnings
  • Applications of AI in robotics

Contact Information

Learn more and contribute on my >GitHub.

Email: > rashaik@seas.upenn.edu